Horror: Matthew Higham has never offered any explanation for why he killed daughter Florence
A dad who murdered his 16-day-old baby daughter by "repeatedly
punching" or "slamming" her during a sickening attack at their home has
been jailed for 25 years.
Matthew Higham, 23, from Stockport, Greater Manchester, pleaded guilty to killing Florence Liberty Mae Higham at Preston Crown Court on the first day of his trial.
Prosecutor Mr Gordon Cole QC said the little girl had received "extensive injuries" at the hands of her father.
A pathologist said it could not be ruled out that he infant was also kicked or stamped on.
Florence was taken to Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport but was pronounced dead at 8.38pm on July 29 last year. Tragic: Florence Liberty Mae was only 16 days old when she was killed
The court was told that Higham had been looking after the
baby while Florence's mother Sharon Collins visited a sick relative in
Mr Cole said that Higham was to make an emergency 999
call at 8.06pm saying that his daughter was "bleeding out of her nose,
mouth and ears" but denied that Florence had sustained any trauma while
with him.
He initially described to police how Florence had begun to bleed as he fed her, before stopping breathing.
Distressing: Florence suffered fatal injuries as a result of being 'repeatedly punched' or 'slammed', the court heard
Higham has maintained that he has no account of what happened
or how he caused the injuries which included multiple skull and rib
fractures, facial injuries and bruising, resulting in acute brain
She also suffered internal injuries and organ damage including a lacerated liver.
Cole said: "It's right to say that Florence died as a result of these
multiple injuries. Stating the obvious, a newborn baby is completely
dependent on parents.
"These injuries reveal the extent of the
injuries extending towards Florence by her father. Still there is no
account from him as to how he caused these injuries.
"The injuries sustained were extensive and of course would have had no chance of recovery."
During the case, Higham remained with his head in his hands as Miss Collins sobbed.
Monster: Matthew Higham held his head in his his hands as he admitted murder
The court was told that the findings of a post-mortem
examination, conducted by Dr Naomi Carter at the Royal Manchester
Children's Hospital, were consistent with repeated punches to the face
or repeatedly being slammed against a hard surface.
Pathologist Dr Carter said she could not rule out that Florence was also kicked, squeezed or stamped on.
bruises were also found on the little girl's arms, legs and chest
indicating that she had been "gripped and pinched with considerable
Distraught: Mum Sharon Collins watched on in court and wept as Higham admitted murder
Following a two-day investigation at the home, officers
concluded that the assault had taken place around the sofa before the
youngster was moved throughout the house as she continued to bleed.
The court heard that Higham had made an attempt to clean the house before emergency services arrived.
Blood-stained clothing was found in the dustbin.
his arrest later that night, he was to provide a statement denying his
involvement in the death of his "perfect" baby, adding it had been "out
of the blue".
The statement said: "I'm not responsible for the
death of my lovely little girl Florence. She was the light of my eyes. I
have not shook her or dropped her."
Mr Benjamin Nolan QC for Higham said: "He does not remember the actual events of the killing."
passing sentence of life imprisonment with a minimum term of 25 years,
Mr Justice Kerr said that the "evil done" by Higham in the "brutal and
frenzied attack" was greater than in other cases he had considered.
He added: "You battered her to death, her injuries were horrifying.
"It was a crime of such unspeakable violence it is difficult to understand how any human being could do such a thing.
say you do not remember doing it. Whether or not that is true, by your
plea of guilty to the murder of your baby daughter you have accepted,
very late, that you inflicted those injuries on her with the intention
of killing her or doing her really serious harm."
The court was
earlier told that two days prior to Florence's death social services had
reduced the level of association with the family due to a "decreased
level of concern".
The court was told that Higham's previous
conviction of an offence of battery in May 2014 was "not irrelevant" as
it was committed only a short time before the murder.
Mr Justice Kerr added: "The victim was a baby barely two weeks old, defenceless and completely dependent on you.
still say you do not remember what happened, but now you accept that
you intended to kill or cause really serious harm to Florence.
"Only this morning did you finally accept that the game was up and that the trial need not proceed."
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