Tuesday, April 5, 2016

10 facts you really do not know about kissing...You would be shocked

1. When two people kiss, they exchange between 10 million and 1 billion bacteria.

2. Kissing someone is more sanitary than shaking hands, if you want to avoid a cold.

3. Instead of kissing, mothers of the Manchu tribe used to show affection by sucking their child's penis in public, because kissing was considered sexual.

4. The longest kiss ever recorded lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

5. The average person spends two weeks of his life Kissing.

6. Two-thirds of people tilt their head to the right when they kiss.

7. In Nevada, it is illegal to kiss with a mustache.

8. Fewer than half the world's cultures engage in romantic kissing, a study found.

9. Philematology is the science of kissing.

10. Kissing someone is more sanitary than shaking hands, if you want to avoid a cold.


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