Earlier this year, it was even suggested ISIS were using jars of Nutella in their propaganda images to lure impressionable youngsters, the Daily Record reported .
Most of us will agree the chocolate spread is probably not nutritious, but how much harm can there be in a jar that mostly tastes of nuts, vanilla, milk and chocolate?
Well, apparently quite a lot, especially if you continue to eat it on a regular basis and in America, Ferrero the maker of Nutella, have even been sued for false advertising after suggesting it carried health and nutritional benefits.
Lets look at the ingredients, which are printed on the side of the jar:
•Palm Oil
•Soy Lecithin
To start with, health experts have safety concerns about Soy Lecithin .
Unlike the naturally fermented soy widely used in Asian diets that is linked to longevity, this is a non-fermented, genetically modified type of soy that the body struggles to digest.
Highly processed, it can affect the body’s hormone levels and some experts have even advised pregnant women, infants and breast cancer survivors to avoid this ingredient.
Then there’s the vanillin .
This is not vanilla, the aphrodisiac, stress reliever and mood enhancer from the expensive beans grown in Madagascar that every baker will keep in their cupboard.
This is a manufactured cheap chemical version of the real thing, made to taste and smell of vanilla.
Some reports say it contains MSG, which has been dubbed a “slow poison”.
It has no health benefits and is linked to triggering brain chemicals similar to addiction as well as headaches and allergic reactions in some people.
Another controversial ingredient is Palm Oil .
High in saturated fats, which can lead raised cholesterol levels and heart disease, it is also difficult to digest and can raise toxicity levels in the kidney, liver and lungs.
This common cooking oil is also one of the world’s leading causes of rain-forest destruction, threatening the survival of wildlife species like orangutans.
Nutella is also highly calorific .
Two tablespoons contains 200 calories, 11 grams of fat and 21 grams of sugar – about half as much as a can of coke.
That’s TWO TABLESPOONS. Just think about how much you can eat in one sitting.
Finally, Nutella for breakfast should be a no-no, especially for children, since it has absolutely no nutritional benefits, will led to a spike in blood sugar levels, followed soon after by a crash that could mean poor attention and hyper-activity.
Put the spoon down and step away from the jar...
But rather than remove one of life joys, there is an alternative if you consider making your own, which is extremely easy to do using only hazelnuts, cocoa powder and hazelnut oil.
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