Saturday, February 14, 2015

Is this the rudest job rejection letter ever? Jobseeker called a d*** in offensive response

Rude: The letter insulted James a number of times
A stunned jobseeker has received what could be the UK's rudest ever rejection letter, describing him as a "d***" and an "old, aesthetically challenged guy with no teeth".
James Allen, 48, was shocked to receive the foul-mouthed email tirade when he asked for feedback after an interview with window and conservatory manufacturer Right Price PVCu.
The 48-year-old had thought the meeting had gone well until he got the rude brush off.
Right Price PVCu director Sarah Haseler didn't hold back when she described James as "one of the most irritating, rude, obnoxious and arrogant people she had ever had the misfortune to meet".
The e-mail continued: "I only wish I'd have seen your CV beforehand, to save us both the time, as I would have probably noticed your main job role as 'professional p****'.
"You are not only the most inappropriate person for this job, but probably for any job. You will spend the next few years applying for, only to get rejected as soon as they meet you.

"Also for an old aesthetically challenged guy with no teeth, you have an unbelievable amount of confidence.
Getty Job Interview
Applications process: James thought his interview had gone well, but Sarah was unimpressed (file picture)
"If I had been anything other than professional, I would have said what I was actually thinking, which was this guy is an absolute ****. Get the **** out."
Sarah had written a more standard rejection in a second email but sent her first "therapeutic rant" by mistake.
James, a former serviceman frpm Princetown, Devon, said: "There's no way as a professional, and especially as a director of a company, that you would treat somebody that way. I really didn't expect something as nasty as that.
"I was in the Army for four years and you would sort it out face to face - you wouldn't do it like this.
"Nobody's ever given me a personal attack on the way I look - I was wearing a shirt and tie and wasn't wearing jeans or anything."
He claims he thought their initial meeting had gone well and that Sarah had agreed to get in touch later that day.
But when he heard nothing back James sent her an email saying: "Just a quick email to say that you promised to phone me today.
"You did not. I rang your mobile but you did not answer. I sent a text you did not answer. When you promise something you carry it through."
He then received the email, which contained several expletives. James said: "I'm a confident person normally but she has brought into question my face and my age.
"It's knocked my confidence. Just because I'm a man and I'm 48 doesn't mean that I can't get upset."
Sarah Haseler, who runs Right Price PVCu in Plympton, Devon, admitted she had sent the wrong email but defended its message.
She said: "Ironically, I had read something that day which said if you are angry or upset you should write it down and get it all out to move on.
"So that evening at home I did this. I then wrote another email reply to James.
"Unfortunately, I now realise that it was in fact the other email which was sent in error, which was never supposed to be seen by him.
"It was just what I was thinking (and yes, considering all that I have stated above that was what I was thinking).
"I must stress this was my personal opinion, and not the opinion of the company, and the email written, although sent in error, was in retaliation to a person insulting me."
Sarah claims the meeting with James was not an official interview as they were looking for a self-employed labourer to help carry out basic tasks such as carrying materials and dig holes.
She added: "James was so unbelievably rude, inappropriate and insulting, towards me personally and also the company.

"I actually thought it was a joke. I was waiting for the hidden camera crew to jump out and say 'ha, got ya'.
"I was genuinely shocked, hurt and angered by his behaviour and attitude, and the things he said.
"We have worked very hard to build this family business up and when someone is insulting the business it does feel like they are hurting a member of your family.
"He was derogatory, belittling and offensive and I felt extremely uncomfortable the entire time he was there.
"When he left I politely said 'Thanks, I'll give you a ring to let you know'.
"That evening, a few hours later on the same day he came in, he sent an email, which was also rude, insulting and harassing.
"James had therefore rejected the self-employed role in this email, so he was not looking for feedback. He said he was not interested."
James is still looking for work.

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