Wednesday, February 11, 2015

[PHOTOS] See first ever DRIVERLESS cars

The Government has launched the first official trials of driverless cars which could, eventually, save motorists six working weeks a year in driving time.
With the project being given the green light, Transport Minister Claire Perry and Business Secretary Vince Cable are today at Greenwich in south London to see some of the vehicles which will be used in the trials.
A Government review has revealed there is no legal barrier to the testing of automated vehicles on public roads. But it could be some years before driverless cars are a feature on the roads.
First a code of practice will be published this spring for those wishing to test driverless vehicles on UK roads.

LUTZ pods
Patriotic Pod: Coventry based RDM Group unveils the first driverless 'pod' vehicle
It will be summer 2017 before domestic rules are changed to accommodate the new technology, and 2018 for international regulations. In the UK this could include changes to the MOT test and the Highway Code.
The Government has also said there needs to be greater certainty around criminal and civil liability in the event of a driverless vehicle being in a collision.
Authorities will also need to consider whether a higher standard of "driving" should be demanded of automated vehicles than would be expected of a conventional driver.
Ms Perry admitted the project was "still in the early days" but said the new technology had the potential to be "a real game-changer".

LUTZ pods
No Hands: Driverless cars would guide themselves to your chosen destination
The average driver in England spends 235 hours driving every year - the equivalent of six working weeks. The new technology will mean drivers will be able to choose whether they want to be in control or hand the task of driving over to the vehicle itself.
This would let motorists get on with other things while the car did the driving.
Greenwich is one of three driverless car project centres funded by £19 million of Government money. The other projects are at Bristol and in the Midlands where teams at Coventry and Milton Keynes are jointly involved in trials.
Greenwich today will see the first trial of an autonomous shuttle and the unveiling of the prototype of a driverless pod that will be tested in public areas in Milton Keynes.
The two ministers will also see a BAE Wildcat vehicle developed by aerospace company BAE Systems, which will be trialled in Bristol.

LUTZ pods
The Future: Trials have begun for the driverless cars, with the rules of the road expected to change by 2017
For the purposes of the trials driverless cars will still have a fully-qualified driver ready to take over active control if necessary.
Ms Perry said: "Driverless cars are the future. I want Britain to be at the forefront of this exciting new development, to embrace a technology that could transform our roads and open up a brand new route for global investment.
"These are still early days but today is an important step. The trials present a fantastic opportunity for this country to take a lead internationally in the development of this new technology."

Mr Cable said: "The UK is at the cutting edge of automotive technology - from the all-electric cars built in Sunderland, to the Formula One expertise in the Midlands.
"It's important for jobs, growth and society that we keep at the forefront of innovation, that's why I launched a competition to research and develop driverless cars.
The projects we are now funding will help to ensure we are world-leaders in this field and able to benefit from what is expected to be a £900 billion industry by 2025."

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