Friday, February 6, 2015

'Raped on my wedding night': Bride tells how she was attacked by serial sex beast

SPatrick Chinskie
A brave woman has told how her sex monster husband ruined her life when he raped her on their wedding night.
Claire Bradley, 38, thought she had found the man of her dreams when she married Patrick Chinskie, 47, six years ago.
On what should have been the happiest night of Claire's life, the beast battered and raped her, forcing her to run for her life.
Yesterday, when Chinskie started a life sentence for his hideous crimes against her and other women, Claire told the Daily Record: “I hope he dies in jail and rots in hell.”
Claire Bradley
Chinskie raped Claire and four other women. He indecently assaulted some of his victims with makeshift weapons during a litany of horrific abuse throughout Scotland.
Claire, from Inverness, said the sentence was a great weight off her chest and added: “He’s a savage. A monster who got his kicks torturing women.”
He appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday, walking with the aid of a crutch, after being convicted of a total of 12 charges, including rape, abduction and assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurement with a total of seven female victims.
The court heard how Chinskie’s first victim was raped multiple times between December 1990 and December 1993. He assaulted her by punching her, kneeling on her, butting her, biting her face and holding a knife against her throat.
On one occasion he jumped on the bonnet of a car she was driving and smashed the windscreen after kicking it.
Between 1993 and 1995 he subjected another woman to attacks and sexual assaults during which she was punched, kicked and bitten.
He demanded she perform sex acts on him and grabbed her nipple with a pair of pliers and twisted it. He repeatedly told her to have an abortion.
On a car journey he pulled the woman out of a car, dragged her to a field and raped her. He also repeatedly kicked her, hit her with a baseball bat and burnt her with cigarettes. Chinskie threatened to kill her and her unborn child.
Another woman was raped by him throughout 1996 and 1997. During one assault he ripped a nightdress off her. She was threatened with violence, punched, kicked, pushed and grabbed by the hair and dragged around a room and up a flight of stairs.
A further victim was assaulted by Chinskie between 1997 and 2000. As well as punching, kicking and butting her, he held a machete against her throat.
Then he turned his attentions to Claire, wooing her and charming her with what seemed an attractive personality.
But it all changed once they tied the knot.
On her wedding night after being hit, raped and sexually abused Claire had to run away as soon as her new husband fell asleep.
Waiving her right to anonymity, she said: “People need to know what this man is like. I pray it will never happen to anyone else.
“The minute the ring was on my finger he changed. He had booked a hotel in the town but it turned into a nightmare.
  Edinburgh High Court
“He was on speed and when we got to the bedroom he started shouting at me. He hit me and flung me on to the bed.
“He forced himself on me. I was screaming and the people in the room next door were banging on the wall because of the noise.
“It seemed to go on and on. I was petrified. I could not believe how he had changed. He had never shown this side before and we had been going out together for a year.
“As soon as he fell asleep I escaped to safety and went to my flat where my mum was staying .”
For Claire it was just the beginning of a dreadful cycle of beatings, rape and sexual abuse lasting until she left in 2011. They divorced a year later.
She said: “It went on and on nearly every night when he had been drinking or on drugs. He would take heroin, anything. Then the abuse would start. He hit me over the eye with a bottle and I still have the scar.
“I was scared to death. Frightened to leave because of what he would do to me when he caught up with me.
“I used to get a friend to come round and sit with me so he would not assault me. He destroyed my self confidence and tried to belittle me all the time and make me feel that I needed him.”
When Claire did summon up the courage to leave he followed just as she feared he would.
She said: “I went to a friend’s to hide and pleaded with her to say I wasn’t there. Somehow he found out and when he came round I hid under her bed absolutely terrified. She didn’t tell him but when he came back the second time he punched her in the mouth.”
Claire eventually managed to escape. She said: “I got away. He was a very controlling person. A control freak. He took my phones from me so I could not call for help.”
To this day she still relives the terror.
She said: “ I get flashbacks. I have difficult sleeping and I see pictures of him.
“The court case was an ordeal. I asked for a screen because I knew if I saw him I would break down. I would not have been able to do it with nothing between us. That’s the effect he had. He preyed on vulnerable women wanting to control them and use them. I can never forgive or forget what he did to me.”
Now Claire is finally feeling confident enough to plan her future.
But relationships are difficult. She said: “I’ve met a really nice fellow who has been my rock through all this but I am scared to commit after what’s happened. He understands.
"It takes time to heal. That’s what Pat Chinskie has done to me. He has ruined my life and all these others too.”
During evidence Chinskie told the court it was hard to accept he was capable of the crimes. He said: “The only thing I can put it down to is the aggression with the drugs and drink.”
He claimed he did not remember a big part of the last 20 odd years “I am mortified....It is something I have grown up hating people for, yet I am facing these charges myself,” he said.
A judge told Chinskie, whose middle name is Savage, at the High Court in Edinburgh: “The crimes which brought you here today form a virtually unbroken 23-year chain of physical and sexual violence.”
Judge Kenneth Maciver QC said victims had at first found Chinskie to be attractive, highly charming and irresistible but quickly came to realise that he had turned into “a sadistic and vicious abuser of them”.
The judge said that professionals who had assessed Chinskie were of the view that he “posed a clear danger” to any women who engaged with him and he represented a high risk to the public.

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