Mystery Vibe, a British start-up, hopes to persuade women to allow their internet-connected sex toy to gather data as they use it to bring themselves to climax.
The next version of the firm's popular Crescendo sex toy will be fitted with five sensors which record intimate information about a woman's nether regions as they enjoy a solo sex act.
This information will be collected in a central database and made open to researchers, as well as being used to tailor the performance of the spy-brator to each female user.

Stephanie Alys (pictured above), a 26-year-old from Brighton, is the firm's co-founder and "chief pleasure officer".
Despite her strange job and liberated attitude to sexual pleasure, Stephanie said she was a firm believer in monogamy and that prospective boyfriends were "interested in how Crescendo works", rather than being scared off.
"Up until now, measuring arousal has pretty much only taken place in the lab," Stephanie said.
"Using sensors to collect data such as temperature change, pressure from muscle contractions, device positioning and blood flow will help us to understand both male and female pleasure and orgasm better."
MysteryVibe is currentl y riding high after making "crowdfunding history" and scoring more than £50,000 worth of pre-orders for the first version of the Crescendo device (pictured below).

The sex toy can be bent into shape and features six motors which can be controlled with an iPhone app, allowing users to hit exactly the right spot.

It even features a wireless charger which can power smartphones - a function which could lead to some truly awkward moments.
After raising roughly £1million from investors, who are normally wary of sex companies, MysteryVibe is now working on a second Crescendo, which we've dubbed the spy-brator.
The information it collects will be used to make sure users' six motors transmit only the most pleasing vibrations.
Data on the most pleasurable patterns will be collected and distributed in lists of "trending vibes".
Eventually, the Crescendo will be able to connect to internet-enabled devices which will flood the home as part of a trend called the internet of things .
This could mean that your house could work out what times you're likely to feel amorous and then "dim the lights and put on some French erotica".
"Collecting data helps us personalise your experience so that all of your internet connected devices such as music, TV, central heating and lighting work together to turn you on," Alys added.
"We can also analyse big trends and use these to help doctors and medical professionals in their research.
"For example, if a woman finds it difficult to orgasm, we'll be able to suggest different ways to get in the mood based on what does it for other women."
She stressed that data would be collected anonymously and said women can switch off the hi-tech parts of the spy-brator and focus on its old fashioned functionality if they want to.
Kate Moyle , a sex therapist, said Crescendo could help women who find it difficult to achieve climax.
"Knowing more about female orgasm could be hugely beneficial, especially in terms of what MysteryVibe are offering as it would be real time data," she told Mirror.
"Any tool that helps us to understand the human body better is a useful one, especially with female orgasm as many women need more stimulation than penetration alone to reach orgasm, or don't reach it at all.
"If women are able to orgasm more and we are able to learn more about it, this would help make sex for many a mutually pleasurable and orgasmic experience."
Renate Samson, chief Executive of the campaign group Big Brother Watch, was asked if there were privacy concerns about the spy-brator.
She replied: "The idea of connecting a vibrator to other home devices may conjure up smutty ideas of a sex toy communicating with a washing machine for maximum vibration, but jokes aside, connecting technologies creates data which can be shared with organisations far beyond the companies we think we are signing up with.
"Is the concept of your sex toy communicating with your lights, your bed, your TV and your phone the most sensible way of researching the female orgasm? Or will women be unwittingly sharing their orgasm with all and sundry?
"Internet connected vibrators have already been shown to have weak security and be vulnerable to hackers. So whilst there may be a desire to unlock the key to women’s sexual pleasure, using digital data to do so may expose women to serious privacy and security concerns."
Following the runaway success of 50 Shades of Grey, the sex toy market is now a huge global industry with an estimated value of $15 billion.

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