Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Woman wakes from coma to find she's three months pregnant - but has no memory of last three years

A woman woke from a coma to discover she was three months pregnant - but could not remember the last three years of her life.

Gemma Holmes suffered horrendous injuries last year, when she was riding a moped and was flung across a busy road into a lamp post.

She broke her back, and doctors didn't expect her to survive.

While in hospital, tests revealed that Gemma was 12-weeks pregnant.

Because she was in a coma, doctors turned to her mother to decide what to do.

Doctors suggested a termination because they would not be able to repair her back until she gave birth, confining her to a wheelchair.

Gemma's mother Julie said: "So many things went through my head but I wanted to wait until Gemma was awake to make the decision."

Gemma decided to keep the baby - despite her serious injuries and the fact that she had no recollection of ever being in a relationship.

"I just thought that if this little baby inside me had managed to survive the awful crash then he was meant to be," she said.

After a painful pregnancy where Gemma could not take painkillers for her back, in case she harmed the baby, she gave birth to Ruben Miracle Holmes by cesarean section.

"I couldn't have a natural birth because the brain injury I suffered from the crash put me at risk of further damage - giving birth puts pressure on the brain," she said.

"I was also told my body would not be able to cope with the contractions after breaking my back."

Both mother and son are now doing well and Gemma will soon find out whether she will one day be able to walk again.

"Ruben's my little miracle and I really hope I will one day be able to run around with him," she said.

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