The man claimed he worked in a morgue at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, where he says he had sex with the corpses, reported
Sharkur Lucas revealed that he was unable to get women to go out with him because of his 'morbid' job - so he had sex with the dead instead.
"I wanted to marry but the girl says I am a mortuary man," he told Ghana television station Adom TV.
"I can satisfy myself [at the mortuary] because girls don't want to [date] me outside."
"That is some of the training when you study a mortuary job [...] I was asked to sleep with a dead body.
Morgue worker admits having sex with 100 corpses
"That is the training you have to do that, because once you have done that you will not be afraid of them again."
Since his interview, Lucas has been sacked by his employers and admits he is now being hunted by police - although he fails to see what he has done wrong.
But when the interviewer raised the question of mental health problems, Lucas dismissed the claims.
"I am OK, I am OK sir," he insisted.

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