Henry Bromberg a nine-year-old boy who was born with half heart desperately needs a new one so he can fulfil his dream of becoming a doctor.
Henry was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a rare condition which means only half part of the organ functions.
Henry spends most of his days in hospital, he can’t go to school and has stopped growing.
Laura, a charity director, said:
“For him to have a new heart would be amazing. A dream come true.”
Henry added: “If you have a good heart and you die but you’re not on the register your organs will be wasted.
"It would mean the world to me to get a new heart.”
He wants to become a doctor to help other sick children, saying
“I would want to fix brain tumours.”
How to join the organ donor register
You can either join the NHS Organ Donor Register or let your family and friends know you wish to donate after your death.
Anyone who is legally capable of making the decision and living in the UK can join the register.
All you need to do is visit www.organdonation.nhs.uk and choose the organs and tissue you wish to donate.
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