Monday, May 23, 2016

7 Qualities That Would Make Him Love You've got a great body?? So what?? Yeah, you are articulate??? Who cares?? There are certain things you should keep in mind for a guy to officially call you his.

These are 7 qualities that inspire men to give their heart fully.

1. Self-developed and Independent.
You have a well-rounded life that you’ve created for yourself that includes healthy friendships and an outlet for service. You’re most likely a reader, and devour things that interest you. Quite often you initiate and contribute a fresh perspective when conversing with your man. You’ve developed your personal philosophies by thinking through and researching several viewpoints. You are confident about your opinions without being dogmatic.
Men love a woman who is intelligent, articulate, and open minded. You have to do homework to be this kind of woman.

2. Being Respectful .
You appreciate him with your words, affection, time, and your gaze. When he walks through the door, you stop what you’re doing, stand up and greet him: the man you love just walked in.
Do this no matter how busy you are. Do this even if you’ve been married 10 years. It shows respect.

3. Appreciating and Accepting his Financial Status.
As a conscious woman, you are clear about your financial comfort zone, and you are aware of the economics of your coupling BEFORE you get married.
There has been a major financial reset button since the economy took a dump in 2008 and there has been a sharp rise in entrepreneurship, which means many people who are in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s are starting over and living financially leaner. Some people are doing just fine. And some people have great wealth.
Get real with yourself. If a “simple life” to him translates as “destitute and poor” to you, you need to find someone who is on the same economic page as you. Do not go into denial because you are in love and then complain about his job choice and your shared standard of living after you are married.

4. Being Reserve.
You maintain a certain privacy, no matter how long you have been together. Not a sly withholding or secretiveness, but an aura of dignity. You don’t air every thought and emotion that comes into your head. Your man knows it would take a 100 years to unravel you, and that’s because you have maintained a reserve for yourself. You are committed to your own borders of Self for the rest of your life.

5. Being Sexually Alive.
You’re open with yourself and generous to him. You’re lit up by him and welcome his desire. You generate your own sexual appetite. You’ve educated yourself in this regard.
If you have past issues with abuse, the most loving thing you can do for YOURSELF is get it dealt with. It is not acceptable to resign yourself to “I was abused” as a reason to stay unexpressed sexually and shut down your partner’s natural desires. It’s a tremendous disservice to live a low-sex existence because of your abuse, and put that on your husband. It’s your responsibility to make sure that your sexuality is healthy and accessible to the AMAZING man you love. Be delicious for him.

6. Being Supportive
You embrace and support his choice to have a close, nurturing relationship with his children. This means you will, as a couple, be spending time, money, and attention on them.
When men go through divorce, one of the worst fears they deal with is missing out on their kids’ lives. They had a dream when their children were born. Make sure that, on your watch, he gets to live his dream of being an amazing father. Give him the love, freedom, and acceptance to fully engage with his kids.

7. Trust .

You do not overspend, overeat, become crazy religious, develop emotional relationships with other men, or break his confidence with your mom, sister, or girlfriends. You are faithful. Yes, all of these are areas of faithfulness.

You will never find a man that stays single, sleeps with lots of women, has no kids, spends no time with his family, drinks and does drugs, truly happy with his life.
Women have taken on the roles of provider, mom, girlfriend, and so much more. They seldom need a man anymore or want one unless they meet a list of expectations…
If you are attracted to a man, see if they are hard workers, and make sure they are honest people. This of course is the same for men. Stop complaining or being drama. When your husband isn’t sure what to do about work, support him and encourage him to be great…but if he chooses to be a garbage truck man…be happy and stick with him no matter what his choices are.

Wives should be loving, caring, individuals that encourage their husband, and create an environment at home of support, respect, trust, and most of all fun and some excitement.

Have sex with your man frequently…he will seldom stray if he is happy at home. Few men (except the douchewagons) would ever leave a woman he loved if she cared for him in this fashion. And most likely, a man that is only inspired to be the garbage man would run a garbage service empire and be quite successful and wealthy if he had this type of support at home. Instead we often end up in relationships filled with fights, complaints, lack of sex, and lots of drama.

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