Hey there! This is my first published book ever which is available on Amazon and Smashwords. Whoops! So you can guess I'm pretty happy about it. I am letting go of Chapter One exclusively to my blog readers and app users so you have a sneak peek into what this 24 Chapter book contains. Please do add a review at the end of reading this. Thanks y'all.
is Alexis' fifth high school, and they've made it so very clear this time -
it's her last chance. But how can she be good when she accidentally gets
herself into a stupid bet involving the HOT jerk (Max), and has to make him
fall for her?
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
“Oh my GAWD! Does that girl not know anything about fashion?” Cheerleader-lookalike yelled, staring at me across the lanes. She was in some shiny Porshe. Whatever, her car had nothing on my yellow Ferrari in the garage at home. It wasn’t my fault I’d been banned from driving it, as part of my punishment for getting kicked out of that last school, and was stuck with a lame Smart car.
“I’m totally ashamed to be seen on the same road as her,” said the Blond in the passenger seat, drawing on eyeliner, so much she looked like a really bad blond Emo kid.
When the lights turned green, Cheerleader slammed on the gas, and Blonde shoved her eyeliner into her eye. Inside, I was cracking up. Outside, I was cool and calm. But I couldn't resist flipping them off as I drove away. Come on, they totally dissed me!
I flicked my hair as I went down the road. God, girls like that were annoying. Though I kind of had to admit, I kept staring in the car mirror too, shocked. What the hell was this? I’d tied my hair into the two bunches and put on the big geeky glasses my Dad had bought me and now I looked like a nerd. Awesome!
The frame hid too much of my face and magnified my eyes, making me look like some creepy owl thing. But I drew the line when he showed me the fake braces that could be stuck to your teeth. I mean, come on.
Okay, I was depressed about my new nerd look, but didn’t do anything about it. This was what my parents wanted, right? For me to keep my head down, and not get into any trouble? Well, this would totally do it. I was a geek. I’d semi-compromised by putting on some lip gloss and straightening my fringe, but it didn’t help. I just looked like a stupid wannabe.
God, why did I have to go through this again? My parents suck.
Well, whatever. I was late for my first day at my new school. I’d picked out the most 'boringest' hoodies in the world – plain black that matched my new school shoes. I sped through a couple of stop signs, and went past the speed limit a LITTLE. (I mean, come on – 20mph? That is so stupid. So what if I pushed it to 50?) It meant I was at school in about ten minutes.
And then I saw the school for the first time.
I mean, I’ve seen the pictures, but now I actually see this place, it’s kind of shocking. Well, Photoshop is amazing. This school was typical public school; totally old. This is where I was meant to stay until graduation?
Those losers (a.k.a. my parents) must have been kidding about this. The gates were ugly, the school fields were uncut and wild, and the buildings were crumbling. Oh God, they weren’t serious, right? I can’t live like this!
Absentmindedly walking on, I got out my phone, ignoring the people that passed me. I was about to call my parents and demand they change my school, when I saw something that made me pause and gape. N0, three things.
Oh my GOD!
I must have died and ended up in the pages of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue.
The HOTTEST guys in the world.
There were three of them, all tall statuesque examples of the fine male physique. I don't think I’ve seen talent like that even in my old schools; and keep in mind that my old schools were all private academies where all the students had access to plastic surgery. This can’t be right…
They were all well-built, tall and damn sexy.
I stared at them, and for a second, the one with green eyes glanced at me. Then he looked away, as if I were significant. I hate this reaction with my whole new look. It’s totally depressing.
“Who are they?” I asked some random brunette girl next to me, who’d also paused to stare.
“The hottest guys on the football team,” she said, her eyes not leaving the guys that crossed the school yard. Her mouth was wide open as well, and she looked like she was going to drool. I totally understand. I wanted to as well.
“Max, Tom, and Carter. They’re playing the match next week.”
I snapped my phone shut. I’d changed my mind. I was staying in this school.
“Hi,” I said, grinning at the semi-drooling girl. “My name’s Alexis. What’s yours?”
“Olivia,” she replied, smiling back at me. “You the Alexis that’s new in my class?”
“Yeah,” I said, smiling. “That’s me.”
An hour or a billion later, we were in Biology. School is barely any different in private or public schools. They are both incredibly boring. I was sad to learn that during my month-long suspension, everyone in the Universe had not forgotten everything to do Science. Damn it. Just my luck.
Thank God Olivia, or “Ollie” as I like to call her, was in mainly all my classes. I’d assessed her. She was sweet but, she had a puppy doll brown eyes with caramel hair, and a cute face. Her fashion sense left a little to be desired from what I could tell with her outfit but she would do as my New Best Friend. Well, here.
“So tell me more about the three guys we saw at the school gate.” I had to know more about them; after all, I was basically here for them.
“They’re like, the best football players in the country. And the hottest. They can’t walk through a mall without a model scout walking up to them.
“Okay, Tom. His Dad’s the guy who produces a lot of movies. He’s the one with the brunette hair, and blue eyes. You can crush on the other two, but he’s mine okay?”
I nodded, and she relaxed from her “possessive” pose.
“Carter is the one with the brunette hair and brown eyes. He’s amazing at all sports; you know, tennis, swimming, soccer, you name it, he can do it. He’s on every single team for everything, but he’s just taken a natural liking to football.”
“And who’s the last one?”
“Max. He was the tallest one, with the blond hair and green. He’s like, the biggest player in the whole school. He goes through girlfriends really fast, because no one’s good enough for him, apparently.”
We were busy finding the life-long sister in each other when the bell rang. I grabbed my notepad and a folder from my new (cramped and stupid) locker, and it was History. I was fitting in nicely and I could see what Dad meant about the whole “hiding my face” thing because I wasn’t getting the looks I got from everyone normally, apart from the expected “God, that girl’s a nerd” looks that I got, but weren’t really used to. I checked my timetable. I was in…H6. History room 6. Inventive.
I kept my head and slid into the classroom, a couple minutes late. In my old school that would have earned a detention. However, in this school, no one even noticed. I slid down onto the only free chair (actually that’s not true, there was also another chair, but it was next to some girl with a bad perm and braces. I can’t really talk now, but you know…), and I turned around to look at my desk partner…
And I froze.
It was one of the A&F gods. He didn’t realize I was there, and just sat staring into the space, with a gazed look I recognized; you know, when you’re pretending to pay attention to teacher when your actually drifting off into unconsciousness. I know because that’s the only look I have in lessons.
It was more than that though. I’d let myself smoosh up so close to his hard muscles, I could hear it – there was Eminem playing from somewhere…
Oh my God. He had headphones in.
They were nothing more than little black buds in his ears, without the wires (maybe…wireless?) and were perfectly discreet. I must get me one of those. In the meantime… I reached over and plucked an ear-bud from his ear, wiped it (did no one else see that new report on headphones and earwax?), and placed it in mine. The familiar sound of Eminem yelling made me smile as I turned back to the teacher, who was still rambling on about enzymes. (I don’t even know how to spell the word.)
I turned slowly towards him, and gave him my best sexy smile (okay, main reason I stole his ear-bud; conversational starter), the smile that had gotten me every single straight guy in my old school.
“Yeah?” I asked, twisting a couple strands of hair in my fingers.
“Give it back,” he whispered, learning in close to me, and my vision swam. I wasn’t getting enough oxygen. His breath on my neck raised goosebumps, and I semi-shivered. This guy was so easy to manipulate.
“Why should I?” I whispered back. Our heads were way too close now, and we were in front of the whole class, not to mention a very boring (male or female? I don't know) teacher. But what would have happened if they weren’t there? I would have probably leapt on him and ripped his clothes right off. With my teeth.
“You’ll regret it if you don’t, Geek,” he murmured, a small smirk forming on his lips, and my heart leapt. His green eyes were so…piercing.
“How so?” I asked, smirking back at him, feigning innocence. Even with this nerdy hair and glasses, I still had my charm. The Skills of Flirting made up more of my IQ than Science, English and Math put together. I drew his on with my eyes to eyes that were so magnified by my new geek glasses. They were helpful, after all.
“I will…”
Before I could hear the rest of that sentence, the teacher interrupted us.
“Since Max and the new girl seem so close,” the woman/man teacher said frostily.
“Perhaps they should partner with each other for the History Project. I’m sure everyone will be interested in what they can produce.”
Our gazes snapped back to each other, and I quickly turned away. The whole class was laughing, saying stuff like, “Max with the Nerd!” and “God, Max has the worst luck”. Immature Bastards. I was on a completely separate level from them.
Keep your head down, Alexis. This is what you did wrong in your last school. Ignore it.
But it’s so damn hard.
“Yes,” I said, my voice quiet.
“I will partner with him.”
He raised an eyebrow at my new, quiet voice, but said nothing. He had no objections too, apparently.
After class, I was leaving when Max grabbed my hand and dragged me to some unused classroom. He pinned me to the wall, his arms on the side of my head. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to which I didn’t. There’s nothing like good, toned, muscled guy pressed up against you.
“Geek,” he said, smirking.
“You’re mine from now on.”
I was semi-surprised.
“What?!” I asked, gaping.
Then he leaned down to kiss me, pressing me hard against the locker. He was good, to say the least – his lips made my whole body tingle, and electricity passed through our bodies like a real current. He made my heart thud against my chest, and for a second, the whole world stopped.
When our lips parted, I was smiling. His guy thinks he’s so good, that he’s such a player. And he was the biggest player in the school. Until me.
“You understand?” he asked, grinning cockily.
“I own you. You. Are. Mine.”
“What do you like about me?” I said, tilting my head as I looked at him.
“I think you’re interesting.”
I semi-smiled again.
“Interesting is an understatement,” I said, silencing his lips with mine, and I knew I was much better than him. After all, I was much more experienced than him.
I left him, standing in the dark classroom, shocked.
He was the biggest player........until me.
Bad Girl – 1, The Player – 0
That is it! I really hope that was pretty cool.
You can get it on Amazon or Smashwords

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