Tragic: Kadillak Poe-Jones died from hypothermia due to heat exposure after being left in a car
A dad who let his 10-month-old foster daughter die in a hot car as he
smoked weed and watched Game Of Thrones has been jailed for almost
three years.
Seth Jackson, 29, admitted the involuntary manslaughter of Kadillak
Poe-Jones but begged a judge not to jail him, saying "I'm not a
He had originally been charged with murder.
Police said Jackson left the baby in a vehicle in Wichita, Kansas,
for several hours on July 24 as temperatures in the city hovered around
32 degrees Celsius.
Jailed: Seth Jackson admitted involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to 32 months in prison
Jackson had picked up marijuana from a dealer and then returned home.
He started using the drug without taking Kadillak out of the car,
prosecutors said.
Jackson told police he forgot the girl was in the car and only
realised when he saw a child on the Game Of Thrones episode he was
The teaching assistant rushed back to the car, but Kadillak was dead.
An autopsy has revealed that Kadillak - who Jackson had been fostering since she was two-weeks-old - died from hypothermia due to heat exposure.
On Friday, Jackson wept as he begged for no prison time, telling a
packed courtroom: "Your honor, I'm a broken man, pleading here for my
The judge said that while Jackson may not have intentionally
abandoned Kadillak, it was not an accident and jailed him for 32 months.
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