Whitney Houston's daughter Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown is in a
medically induced coma after doctors noticed there was swelling on her
The aspiring singer, who is still believed to be
struggling to come to terms with her mother's death, was placed
unconscious after she was found by husband Nick Gordon in a bathtub full of water at their Atlanta home.
Happy, Bobbi with husband Nick Gordon
On Saturday, it was reported from the hospital where Bobbi, 21, was rushed to that she was stabilised and was breathing again.
However, last night it emerged that doctors feared the worst and acted quickly to save her life.
Meanwhile, Hollywoodlife.com claims that "it does not look good for Bobbi," and that she "may not pull through."
website TMZ have reported that medics at the North Fulton hospital did
fear for Bobbi, who was left heartbroken at mum Whitney's death nearly
three years ago.
Mum and daughter sing together
At 10.25am on Saturday morning, Nick, 20, called an ambulance after he and a friend found Bobbi in the bath.
They tried to revive her but she was rushed to casualty immediately.
Speaking yesterday as he was en route from Los Angeles to Atlanta with Bobbi's dad Bobby Brown, her cousin Jerod Brown insisted he she doesn't take drugs.
Cordoned off: The house where Bobbi was found
He said: "We don't know what happened yet, we don't know why she was unresponsive.
"Krissi doesn't do drugs, she hasn't been drinking or doing drugs and she has cut down on cigarettes." Bobby and Bobbi
The incident resembles Whitney's death on February 11 2012. She was just 48.
She was found in a bath full of water at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles the night before the Grammy awards.
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