Sunday, November 15, 2015

Man Realizes Wife Is Transgender After 20 years of Marriage

According to MTO, a man claimed to be married to his wife for over 20 years without any idea she was transgender.
‘Jan’ and ‘Monica’ met in 1993. Jan was having a rocky first marriage, and Monica was an au pair for Jan’s sister’s kids. The two soon became inseparable.
“My second marriage was on the rocks … and we quickly fell in love,” Jan told a local Belgian newspaper called Nieuwsblad. He described Monica as “very beautiful and feminine. I thought she was an attractive woman, and she was all woman—she had no male traits.”
There was really nothing to indicate that Monica was not a woman. Before marrying, Jan even asked her if she wanted to have children, to which she replied no and added that she was taking birth control pills, something she claimed she was doing regularly during their marriage.
Jan also told the paper that there was nothing to indicate that Monica had once been a man, not even during sex. He did say, however, that she used a lot of lubrication but he never thought twice about it. And as a caretaker of his children from his first marriage, she was nothing but maternal.
“She was always a good mother to my children,” Jan says. “[She was] also a fantastic cook, though she wasn’t that great at cleaning and ironing—and now I know why!”
The couple had very few problems during the past 20 years — until recently, when Monica began going out late and wearing revealing clothing.
It was one of Monica’s cousins that dropped a hint about her being a transsexual. Jan took the hint to heart.
“I mentioned it to my son,” Jan said, “and he said he’d heard a rumor too that Monica used to be a man. One evening I confronted her and she finally confessed she had been born a boy and had a sex change operation. My world collapsed in a few seconds. I was horrified. I feel like I have been violated for almost 20 years.”
After the truth was out in the open, Jan didn’t want to reconcile the marriage at all. In fact, he tried to have her evicted from his home but failed. By law, she’s still his wife, no matter what sex she was born with.
Today, the two live in the same house but do not speak. We wonder how this divorce will go down!
Who do you think is in the right? Is Jan wrong to feel angry that his wife turned out to be a transexual or is Monica wrong to have lied? What would you do in this situation?

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