Saturday, June 11, 2016

Anonymous hacker hacks ISIS supporters' Twitter accounts and floods profiles with graphic PORN

An Anonymous hacker is hijacking the Twitter accounts of ISIS supporters and flooding their profiles with graphic PORN.

The hacker has tweeted several pictures showing hijacked accounts which appear to be owned by Islamic State extremists who have been promoting jihadist ideology and sharing images of mutilated bodies.

Their profile pictures have been changed to images containing the slogan 'I love porn' and their cover photos replaced by a salacious image of a scantily-clad woman lay in a sexually suggestive pose.

Most of the victims appear to be based in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria, with pictures of their profiles before and after the takeover posted to the hacker's Twitter page.

In one tweet, the hacker writes: "#DaeshBags are sure into porn lately #This ones from #Iraq #OpDaesh #Anonymous #GhostOfNoNation."

The images they post are deemed highly offensive to ISIS supporters as they follow a strict version of Islam.

It is not known how the hacker, named only as WauchulaGhost , gained access to the accounts, or how many were targeted.

#Anonymous is included in the hacker's Twitter bio, suggesting they have links to the global hacking network.

It comes after online hackers are spammed ISIS supporters on Twitter by following them with thousands of graphic porn accounts.

The accounts, known as 'pornbots', feature nothing but graphic sexual images and are automatically generated, but almost never tweet and therefore cannot be deleted as spam.

The hackers target tweeters who use a lot of ISIS hashtags and strike rapidly, sometimes following them with several hundred accounts in just a few minutes.

One of their targets is a prolific French ISIS account, which recently shared a video of an ISIS execution of six Syrians with the caption: "Ahh, I love these videos..."

Following the latest cyber attack, Anonymous, who declared war on the jihadis after the attacks in Paris, appeared to have stepped up their campaign

Soon after the Paris terror attacks an Anonymous supporter, wearing their trademark hood and mask and speaking with a computerised voice, told listeners:

"Our freedom is once again under attack

"This cannot continue.

"Following the attacks in Paris last November, we have fought daily against terrorism and we have silenced thousands of Twitter accounts directly linked to ISIS

"We severely punish Daesh (another name for ISIS) on the dark net, hacked their electronic portfolio and stolen money from the terrorists."

The militant group controls swaths of territory in Syria and Iraq and has claimed responsibility for several major attacks in various countries, including coordinated attacks in Paris in November that killed 130 people.

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